- *forensic examinations revealed terrorists murdered children “with
bare hands” *
- *can confirm that baby Kfir Bibas, 10 months old, o...
Picking the right team - soccer and politics
I DIDN'T get the chance to watch Euro and Copa America soccer finals. I was
overpowered by fatigue.
However, not surprisingly when England and Brazil lo...
Cakap serupa bikin?
Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin is at a crossroad to put money
where his mouth is, in the perspective of integrity and proper governance.
The ...
Gather the Unique Disney iPhone 6 Wallpaper
How are you? Pleasant in order to my weblog, on this time period I’ll
provide you with concerning Disney Iphone 6 Wallpaper. ...
The post Gather the Uniq...
Muslihat terkini Anwar Tun pintas dulu
*Anda rasa saya ada masa untuk sakit kepala?*
Apabila UMNO dan PAS memberi laluan pada TS Muhyiddin untuk jadi PM, anwar
segera mengeluarkan kenyataan s...
GEMPAR: Mahathir angkat sumpah
Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad akan mengangkat sumpah sebagai Perdana Menteri
Malaysia di hadapan Yang di Pertuan Agong di Balai Rong Seri, Istana
Hampir seminggu berlalu Perhimpunanan Agung UMNO 2019 (PAU 2019) melabuhkan
tirainya. Se...
Real and present DANGER!
The existence of a 'DEEP STATE' amidst us is real. Who, what, where, when,
why and how? Watch this space in the coming weeks. p/s I don't think it
is e...
Setiausaha Politik selama 18 tahun (2000-2018)
Apabila YB Dato' Adnan Yaakob dilantik sebagai Menteri Besar Pahang, beliau
telefon saya bertanya samada saya hendak tak datang ke Kuantan bekerja
dengan d...
Just an amusing observation..
Brightest students in A class, studied Science, became engineers, doctors,
architects, building the country etc.
Students in B class, studied Commerce, be...
..and so it begins..
Wong also complained that the cabinet lineup did not reflect the seats won
by the DAP, which is the second most among government MPs after PKR. "The
prime ...
Of late the words and actions of the Present Haters of the existing set of
servants of this country only serve to increase their confusions and
Dr. Mahathir dan kebodohan media umno
Mengapa serangan media umno terhadap Tun Dr. Mahathir ibarat menikam umno
sendiri? Dengarkan rumusan oleh Bekas Pengarah Pusat Kajian Demokrasi dan
Kedah tak terpulun JDT - takda idea
Jika kita tengok dari publisiti yang besar menjelang Piala Akhir Malaysia
minggu lepas, perlawanan akhir antara Kedah dan JDT sepatutnya memang
hebat. Du...
The Mistakes Muslims Make.
By: Kassim Ahmad
Email add:
20 August 2017
It amazes me no end to see Mus...
Perhmpunan Agung UMNO yang lepas ibarat gelanggang pak lawak, badut dan
pelakon. Penuh dengan toyol yang sedang menikmati harta samun. PAU ini juga
diguna ...
Iqaluit ialah sebuah bandar dalam wilayah Nuvanut yang terletak di utara
Kanada, Pada bulan paling panas iaitu Julai, suhunya setakat 9 darjah
Celcius, ma...
Kita ni apa? Burung merpati dalam sangkar?
Ok, UMNO is history.
In its current flavor, state and form . . . UMNO is no more.
No point talking about what could have been . . . or the endeavors of many...
The Irony and Parody of Politics
Malaysians by and large loves political gossips, blew scandals out of
proportion and are basically conspiracy theorist.
I can't blame them. Over the yea...
Nazri Aziz: "Please be a Raja Buta & Bisu. Or Else"
One of the reasons why I had not written a blog post is this: the time and
effort tends to be spent on updates and comments at Facebook. The following
is f...
MH370: Krisis komunikasi seperti isu kangkung
Pada pandangan saya kelemahan Kerajaan di dalam menangani krisis #MH370
berkisar kepada kegagalan komunikasi. Implikasinya menunjukkan seolah wakil
Badan P...
"Top priority", iaitu untuk menemui pesawat sudah tercapai berdasarkan
sidang akhbar Perdana Menteri jam 10 malam tadi.
Walaupun butiran lanjut hanya akan ...
Partner us
Health and FitnessComputers and TechnologyAdventure TravelLeadership
ImprovementFinancial stabilityForex ForumNews and Social LifestyleHealth
Care informat...
10 Anak Super Jenius di Dunia
1. Kim Ung-Yong (Manusia Ber-IQ Tertinggi di Dunia)
Lahir pada tahun 1962, anak dari Korea ini dinobatkan sebagai manusia
jenius di seluruh dunia. Bayangkan...
2012 in review
The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for
this blog. Here’s an excerpt: 4,329 films were submitted to the 2012 Cannes
Film F...
The Year That Was
Dear everyone,
I know, I know, I've been very bad. Haven't posted anything since August.
But life has been ridiculously busy with so many different projec...
KUALA LUMPUR 22 Mac 2012 - Tokoh Wartawan Negara, Tan Sri Mazlan Nordin,
87, meninggal dunia di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM) dekat sini
pada p...
Malays Even More Bewildered
When Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak scrapped the proposed new salary scheme
this morning ( March 8) he must already know the still-born salary scheme
On The Beat: A journo’s jottings
In the face of brickbats from politicians and pundits, through holidays and
hectic days, a newspaperman wrote his piece every week for 14 years,
staying s...
Najib's UMNO - Spirited and ready to rumble
Najib's UMNO had arrived folks!
And with guns blazing.. giving PAS a severe walloping in the Bagan Pinang
by-election, concluding a highly spirited GA - b...
Ucapan Presiden UMNO di PAU 2009
Seawalnya saya ingin berkongsi Firman Allah SWT, dalam surah As-Saff ayat
yang ke-4
*‘Sesungguhnya Allah menyukai orang-orang yang berjuang di jalanNya, da...
Work Commitments...
I would have loved to write more over the past few weeks. Unfortunately
relentless workloads have kept me at bay as far as blogging is concerned. I
have no...
No need for the RCI
While inquiring minds wants to know what exactly happened at that fateful
moment when Teoh plunged to his death, police investigations takes time and
we do...
Fare thee well, ye Ancient Mariner
Dear readers,
It is with deep sadness for me to inform you on the passing of the Ancient
Mariner. Our father, Capt. Muhammad Yusof b. Haji Ahmad, passed aw...
Teks/foto: MPAB
Lumut 5 Sept - Kapal Diraja (KD) Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM), KD
LEKIU, selamat tiba di Tambatan Pangkalan Lumut (TPL) hari ini s...
I Write What I Want.
Haven't been writing here much because I write elsewhere. I also made ample
use of twitter as a form of micro blogging reserved for a few.
Why reserved fo...
Salam Bersatu
Salam Perjuangan.
Semoga semua pembaca dan pengunjung Blog ini sihat dan diberkati Allah Swt.
Saudaraku sekalian,
Sudah tiba masanya untuk berubah mencari...
A Birthday Celebration, and The Stranger
I was scanning my Facebook timeline earlier today when one particular post
and image immediately caught my attention, and putting me in a reflective
mood. ...
Cancer Diet
What Causes Cancer
Note that cancer is caused by microbes which are inside the cancer cells.
These microbes love nothing better than sugar and dairy produ...
Our Journey!The Quest for Work–Life Balance
WorldVentures™ founders Wayne Nugent and Mike Azcue experienced great
success in business early in their career...
Pendidikan yang bagaimana?
(Sinar Harian – Januari 1, 2014) Jakarta 14 Disember 2013 Salam dari
bandara Soekarno-Hatta. Seperti yang pernah saya titipkan dari Doha dua
tahun lepas,...
Why Anthony Wiener needs to retire from politics
Surprised I think that? You shouldn't be.
Right now as I follow the story I see people on the right calling for
Wiener's head, and people on the left tryin...
An Ancient Names of Malay Peninsula
Golden Chersonese
*Golden Chersonese* is the ancient name to refer to the Malay Peninsula by Claudius
Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (Greek: Κλαύδιος Πτολ...
ASEAN bentuk pasaran bersepadu mulai tahun depan
MILAN 17 Okt. - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, mulai tahun depan,
rantau Asia Tenggara akan membentuk satu pasaran bersepadu dikenali sebagai
This is a weblog of my mamak shop color-commentary / bitchings on Malaysians, in particular Malay / Muslim, socio-political n economic issues. Post a comment or e-mail me at or if you have anything 2 say on the topics posted here.
Sometimes in love, sometimes in pain, sometimes wise.. most of the time wondering what the duck is happening to the country at the moment. Been bitching since 04 October 2008
Thoughts, ideas n writings in this blog belong solely 2 the author n shall not necessarily b the thoughts or ideas of any other organisations or group of people of which the author might seem 2 be associated with.
Any comment in the comment section of this blog shall not b taken as part of the original posting n shall not b attributed 2 the author of the blog unless otherwise specifically stated therein. The author is not responsible 4 the contents of third party comments in response 2 the posting by the author.